Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Various Me(s) of the Soul
Ever Changing Self


The Zen of Christmas
Seeking The Incarnation
Spirit Becomes Flesh


Angels Surround Us
To Believe in Their Caring
Nurtures Our Spirit

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Coop Wars

The Force Is Strong Here
Come to the Dark Side They Call
A Battle Looming

Free Range

Line Dancing Chickens
Choreography Of Life
One Two Kick And Twirl

Autumn To Winter

The Pastel Scenery
Calls Us To  Stop And Ponder
The Season's Beauty


Into the Unknown
This Is Faith's One True Journey
A Heart's Resting Place


Obscure Dwelling Place
Overlooking The Deep Fog
Nurturing  And Protecting


Darkness Troubles Us
Fearing What We Do Not Know
 Light Opens The Path


The Ethereal
Worlds Touching Worlds Thinly Veiled
We Are Truly One

Friday, November 07, 2014

Apathy for Sale

Buying Apathy
Commercial Emoticon
Saying We Don't Care

Winter Rains

Winter Rains Arrive
Wetting Remains of Autumn
Droplets Become Flakes

Career Path

Sacred Geometry
Life Intersects with Options
So Many Choices

Nature Prays

Arms Reaching For Sky
Hoping To Touch The Heavens
In Need of Some Grace


Magic Reflection
Building Merging With Building
``What Is It We See?"

Haiku to Autumn

Parallel Autumn
Destination Colorful
A Trip of Wonder 

Mundane Sacredness

Seeing The Sacred
In The Mundane Things of Life
Like Sabbath Candles

Union Station - November Afternoon

Curious Partners
The New and Old Are Dancing
Wrapped Up Like a Gift


Hastening Footsteps
Craving a Morning Coffee
At Their Desk by Nine

Wrong Answer

Another Tower
Setting Sail for Urban Sprawl
Homelessness Shaded


Racialising Other
Seeing Difference On First Glance
Rather Than One's Heart


Comfort Food Thinking 
A Child's Imagination
In Playful Moments


Brass Rail Memory
Polished by Passing of Time
Hurried Ups And Downs


A Tip of the Hat
Acknowledgment of Other
Our Souls Connecting

Monday, October 13, 2014

Behold You

Face To Face Closeness
Ready To Open My Eyes
And To Behold You

Monday, October 06, 2014


Front Yard Swims In Leaves
On A Windy Autumn Eve
Trees Drop Their Treasures

Indian Summer

Confused Flowers Bloom
Indian Summer Ray's Taunt
Please Come Out And Play


Leaf Lick's The Evening Light 
Bowing To The Sun

Dramatic Sky

Angry Sky Bows Low
The Corn Applauds The Drama
Next Show Comes at Dawn

Abundant Colour

 Grace's Gifts in Abundance 
Overflowing Hues

Sunday, October 05, 2014


Stream In The Forrest
Meandering Through Beauty
Holy Awakening


See The Pumpkin Tree
Seasonal Anomaly
Candy And Apples 

Holy of Holies

Longing Beyond Veil
Ponder The Deeper Sacred
Mystery Invites 


Nature Is On Fire
Take Your Shoes Off  And Run Free
In Awe Of Color

Harvest Gate

Autumn's Harvest Gate
A Red Carpet of Beauty
Ushering Us In 

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Grapefruit For Kin Folk
Set On Edge Of Monument
You Are Remembered


Ceramic Clouds Float
Over A Hedge Set On Fire
Begging Glass Raindrops

Day Dance

The Tree Crow's Laughter
Breaks Crisp Autumn Afternoon
Time For Playfulness  


Autumn Fire Erupts
On The Cue Of Waning Days
Laughing At Summer


Beauty Remembers
How Water Mirror's Life
As We Mirror God

The Other Garden

Go Ahead And Eat
For God Will Come To Join Us
In A Feast Of Grace


Flowers Shine Like Stars
Beckoning the Creation
To Surrender Joy 

Fashion Show

Arranging Plumage
Concerned About Impression
The Day's Masquerade 


On Wobbly Foot Path
We Negotiate Balance
Finding Our Center


The Chase Has Begun
Challenging A Transgression
"Stay Off Of My Turf!"

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Garden Light

Water Drops Bless Vine
The Kiss of The Morning Dew
The Gift of Harvest

Fall Roses

September Roses
Blooming With Much Joyfulness
Blessed By Waning Light

Fall Days

Color's of Dying
Sensory's Final Assault
Bleak Winter Waiting


Crisp From Waning Sun
Leaves in Anticipation
Of What is Coming

White Blossoms

The Texture of White
Velvet Flowers of Autumn
Snow Soon to Arrive